Private House London

Blending old and new
The project was commissioned by a young couple living in South West London who were renovating their Arts and Craft home and had added a modern concrete and glass extension on the back garden. Ermesponti was asked to create a project able to blend the old and modern features of the area intended for the daily life of the family.Introduced to us by a common friend, we immediately felt a similar background in our vision about the project. After our first chat about their needs and after showing them sample of our works and materials, they were so enthusiastic, they hired us.

Private House London

A time & money saver process

The process was very easy and fast: in a second meeting, after a couple of weeks, we produced fresh samples and three-dimensional drawings of the project, supported by a rough indication of budget and time schedule. A final meeting on site covered a thorough survey of the home and helped to decide details about custom-made materials, final drawings, delivery time and costs.It took us just a week to finalize our production drawings, to order all the necessary materials and allocate the work to our craftsmen: the production in our workshop was finished in a fortnight. Then, our same craftsmen were able to install everything on site in a week.

The project
The project consisted of three main parts: the kitchen with a special cupboard overlooking the living room; the wall panelling in the dining room with a small seating area inside the bow window, a niche for the wine and a wine refrigerator in the corner; the bookshelves, dividing the dining from the sitting room.In line with the owners’ needs, we designed a unique interior using minimalist forms and custom-made materials. The subtle contrast between the different materials gives a sophisticated impression. At the same time, we found that the connecting element of the old and new areas had to be the choice of the correct veneer woods, the custom-made finishings, and the colour palette of the different materials.

The bookshelves

The room divider is focal at connecting the two main living spaces, the traditional room and contemporary one, becoming the main feature of the two rooms. It is conceived as a ‘transparent cloud’ which divides and links the two spaces and the two styles of the house. The inspirational idea was a pile of traveling trunks. Each one was made of a different kind of thermo-treated oak in three different tones – to remind the couple of their many travels.Hand-lacquered thin sides, randomly positioned, give rhythm to the space and create a walk-in passage and several see-through windows between the two rooms. The vertical risers allow room to see the fireplace of the old sitting room, but they are not large enough to pass through. Oak shelves are organized like small trays to display many pieces of art, vases and books the owners collected over the years.

A wall panelling for the wine
The young couple loves wine and they asked for a space where they can really enjoy this.We chose a dead corner between the kitchen and the dining room. There, we designed a hand-lacquered niche for the decanter and wine glasses with a wine cellar underneath and a honeycomb rack for bottles made of solid wood above. This niche was incorporated into the wall panelling made of engraved oak. The lacquered niche is prominent and a wide horizontal strip emphasizes the grain in the wood.Inside the bay window, we designed a cosy seating area with asymmetrical leather soft benches and a small one-leg table in between. The table top was of pure grain leather cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The palette of colour was carefully chosen and decided together with the owner and the result is amazing!

The kitchen

The kitchen comprehends floor to ceiling cabinets with a LED strip of warm light, recessed on the top unit.The cabinets are made using laminated marine plywood, a very precious material highly resistant and waterproof, usually used only in the yachting sector, and the engraved wooden doors are produced according to the custom-made sample previously seen and approved by the customer, with a special attention to the tone of the paint.

The doors have a recessed edge to work as a handle. A wall hung unit for the microwave oven has a door at eyes level with a hand-lacquered surface in grey shades, very beautiful.

The spices unit

The owner is a keen cook. She loves cooking mid eastern European dishes and uses a great range of spices. For her, we designed a special three pull-out units where to arrange her herbs and spices, with engraved oak and internal glasses so to immediately find the correct spice needed.

A hidden cabinet
In order to use all the room available, and no to leave wasted space, it has been created a hidden door under the countertop which opens with a push-to-open system, revealing a very useful set of shelves for glassware or flower vases.

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